The internet is a powerful thing, connecting people who might otherwise never have found each other. For young Practitioners without support, Occult Magic Online is a place to ask questions, give help, maybe even make some friends. But danger lurks on here as well; even a help forum for Practitioners is still, in the end, filled with Practitioners. Not to mention all the Others on here, too. Can the users of OMO rise above the backstabbing, distrustful culture of the Practice, or is this another idealist project doomed to failure?

Occult Magic Online is a fan role-playing community set in the world of Pact and Pale, by the author Wildbow. The central premise of Occult Magic Online is that there is a small-time forum of the same title where Practitioners and Others may gather to speak, attracting those on the fringe. All of the RP features original characters, set within the framework of the world. Most of the RP takes place on Discord, but not exclusively. This site is meant as an introduction to and a repository for the far-flung pieces of OMO RP.

Find us elsewhere

Character Creation

OMO is a place for the strange, the sketchy, and the desperate, where the B and C plots of the Otherverse happen. These people are well-versed enough in technology to know what the internet is, but also unimportant enough that they have time to spend on it in the first place. Characters on the forum are expected to not be major movers and shakers of world politics. Characters off of the forum have more leeway, but their ability to conduct Lord-tier politics through OMO is limited. In general, OMO RP should not reshape how Practice and the society around it works.There are four ways to participate in OMO: characters messaging each other on the forum in Reddit, characters messaging each other through the forum in Discord (DMRP), characters meeting up with each other in person in Discord (ICRP), and a single player writing out content for others to read to be published wherever (QRP when Discord based). Each type of participation has a different minimum requirement to get started.This is a general overview of what is required to make characters on OMO. For more information, consult #concept-planning in Discord. Read the philosophy behind this creation process here.

Character Requirements by Medium

*Items in red with an asterisk are highly recommended

Discord DMRP and Forum

  • Unique username

  • Motivation to be on the forum

  • Relative lack of importance to the wider world

  • Forum rules compliance

  • Tupperbot proxying*

  • Profile picture*

  • #character-list summary form*

Discord ICRP

  • Unique username

  • Hooks for other characters to interact

  • Appearance

  • Importance to the world scaled in terms of character stakes

  • #character-list summary form

  • Tupperbot proxying*

  • Profile picture*

  • Character idea run through #concept-planning to check for setting and OMO consistency*

Solo Content

  • Importance to the world scaled in terms of character stakes

  • Content or link to content posted on the Subreddit or Discord*

  • Tupperbot proxying in Discord*

  • #character-list summary form*

Character Summary Form

Players are required to fill out the following form and put it in #character-list on the Discord for each character that will participate in ICRP. This section shows the basic template, and the next sections explain each part of it in more detail.

Character Name || Character UsernamePronouns"Optional flavour quote, typically encapsulating your character’s personality, goals, or ideology."Stakes: Choose one of Free, Connected, Anchored.Tags: Choose any number of Troubled, Hazardous, Doomed.Nature: Practitioner? Other? What kind?Summary: This section is for a writing in a brief overview of your character and additional important details that the above don't encapsulate; essentially a description of your character concept. Who are they? What do they do? What do they care about? What do they want? What are their capabilities and weaknesses?